Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Glenna - 2010

I love Seniors!! I love the excitement and the anticipation in their voice when they talk about their future and of course, how long they have until school is over!! I guess I love them because I loved my senior year and thought I would never miss school. But I actually do miss parts of high school! Glenna is such an awesome girl!! She is so beautiful and sooo photogenic. She is so excited that school is almost to an end, she can actually tell you how many days! I am so happy for her!! Thank you Debbie, Glenna, and Amber for a great day!!

It was a gorgeous day too!!


Her eyes are AMAZING!!!

This bench was perfect with the pink shirt!!

Beautiful Sisters!

One of my favs!

Another favorite!! I think I have too many:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing pictures!!! Thus girl is GORGEOUS!!! :)